🎀第17弾 ベトナムで今人気のビーガン料理 ナッツミルクを作ってみましょ🥛🥜🏼の巻 (8/12)
美の支度残暑にミルク嗜んで 真澄
川の町ジャスミン香る残暑かな 典子
Shall we make nut milk, a popular Vegan drink?
This summer in Hanoi is cooler than in Japan.
There is a garden that is full of tall, green, and beautiful trees.
It is located at the front yard of a renovated house.
The trees’ shade make the mornings in summer very comfortable for us.
We often prepare Nutsmilk, a famous vegan food in Vietnam.
Nuts milk is rich in minerals making it effective for maintaining beauty and good health. It is also low in calories and sugar.
Nutsmilk contains Vitamin E which contributes a lot to its benefits. Vitamin E can protect your body from the oxidation effect which causes your body to look older.
Also, Vitamin E can prevent wrinkles from appearing on your face due to the oxidation that our body experiences.
Chef Truong is very charismatic and handsome.
Chef said he would like to expand this vegan food and drink in Hanoi.
His skin is beautiful and flawless. This may be because he drinks and eats a lot of nutsmilk.
As he cooked, we listened to him on how to prepare the nutsmilk perfectly.
First, we cook two Almond nuts with milk for the basic version, then we cook two cashew nuts with milk for the advanced version.
We mix the coconut milk with flower of jasmine, dried fruits and black rice etc…along with these nuts.
This nut milk is also white in color which looks alike with that of a regular milk.
This taste along with nuts and some other ingredients is appetizing to drink even for people who dislike milk.
If you have a blender in your kitchen, you can make this by yourself!! Please try it too!!
To end, I will share a couple of haiku to read for this event.
美の支度残暑にミルク嗜んで 真澄
Bi no shitaku Zansho ni Milk Tashinande
Meaning: To keep or protect your beauty, we shall drink special milk in lingering summer heat
川の町ジャスミン香る残暑かな 典子
Kawa no machi Jasmin kaoru Zansho kana
Meaning: The Jasmin flavor smells good in this town of river in heat of late summer